I've got a list here, with LP,, enpass.io,, KeePassXC. It should also store attachments, specifically storing things like key files if needed. Much less danger of auto-stuff going on, and accidental wipes of the passwords. I'd rather have more of a "lookup" style where if they want to log in somewhere, they have to search for and find the password, then copy/paste it over. In other words, it might be too much of a learning curve to make all our users figure it out, and too dangerous that they might overwrite passwords. It autofills wrong, it sometimes wants to overwrite/update a password when it shouldn't, it might not detect the domain properly if the login page can show up via multiple domains, etc etc. I like LP and have used it for years, but it does have quirks. Then there is LastPass with a paid account for business (and other similar services). This could get hard to maintain, especially if I need to have the same account in multiple files.

I suspect I'd have to just split stuff into multiple files and give the master pass to certain people.

I'd like to share passwords one by one to certain people, or just share a folder of passwords to a user/group, etc. A user-based system or perhaps user groups would be nice. I'd like to share out sets of passwords without having to give it all away. I have all my passwords in LastPass (a free personal account) as well as business stuff in KeyPass which is stored in a NextCloud folder.